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Community Research
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Click to read more about our project in detail!

Project | 01

1) Identifying a Need

My partner and I created a survey, asking questions related to outdoor gardens and opinions on utilizing hospital gardens if they were a patient. These questions were asked amongst high school students in the William S. Hart District, from various different high schools. 

Based on the responses from the data collected, I was able to confirm that there was a need for a hospital garden in our community, as many believe there were not enough outdoor spaces in hospitals and gardens were a great addition if implemented.

2) Research

We were able to research few U.S. hospital where they have already implemented a similar outdoor structure. For example, Alta Bates Medical Center has a rooftop garden where it allows for great scenery, private seating, and healing spaces, which proven through surveys completed by patients from that hospital, is very relaxing to the mind and body. Other hospitals like the Boston Medical Center well utilized their garden to even grow fresh produce for the for the hospitalized patient, cafeteria, and food pantries.

3) Solution/Presentation

After researching a great deal, we were able to share our ideas at AOC's fall showcase, proving there is a need for therapeutic gardens in our community and revealing our motive behind them. In addition to our poster, we were able to effectively display our current work progress to our audience through our infographic, displaying some data from our survey.

With the COVID-19 creating restrictions to further presentations to the community, our plans to share our ideas to bring about change has shifted. Our efforts to keep in contact with various people/authorities including the hospital has been put on pause, therefore our evidence, data, and research gathered so far is as much progress we can make at the moment.

4) Closing Thoughts

Even though the project is not yet complete and have not been executed fully, I have learned a lot about my community from this research process. I learned that it is not as hard as I thought to bring about change within my community, and learned that taking the first initiative really is a huge step in reaching our goal. 

Therapeutic Gardens | 01

Project | 02
Project Linus | 02

I've been volunteering at Project Linus ever since freshman year. Project Linus is a non-profit organization that creates blankets for sick/traumatized kids in the hospitals. Although it may not seem much, a blanket is a source of "safety" for these traumatized children. To be part of the action of providing children comfort from a warm blanket, gives me pride and warms my heart. 

Project | 03
Henry Mayo Hospital | 03

I'm a teen volunteer at the Henry Mayo Newhall Hospital. I've had experience in M/S 1 (Floor Service), M/S 2, and also the giftshop (where all funds go to donations). I've been volunteering at this hospital since sophomore year and gained over 300+ hours of experience, knowledge, and fostered unforgettable relationships.

That's me!
Project | 04

I co-created the project called Healthcare Reimagined in hopes to expand on my interest in public health and outline the current state of the U.S. healthcare system with regards to the current ongoing 2020 election. With battles about the better healthcare choice of Bernie Sanders and Joe Biden, Medicare for All or continuing our current practice, I've gathered a team to help brainstorm and even outline a possible bill proposition for a new healthcare. With inspiration from various healthcare systems from countries like France and Canada, our proposed new idea may not be fully feasible at the moment, but we continue to work on this project with the dream to be able to solve problems even Obama and presidents before struggled to do.

Healthcare: Reimagined | 04

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